Boundary Showcases Ray-Tracing

 How many of you know or have just heard of a game called Boundary before? If you look at the names of developers and publishers who come from China, whose developer sites aren't even online, it seems understandable if your brain just forgets this one project. But for those who love the thrill of competitive multiplayer action from a first-person perspective, there is something unique about Boundary. You meet a combat troop who are all dressed in astronaut suits.

 Space battles in zero gravity are what Boundary is trying to push, while making sure the sensation does feel realistic. Of course, you will be strengthened with a variety of futuristic weapons to take advantage of this one condition. Weapons aren't the only ones that will be "futuristic" from the game as Boundary also ensures support for visual features - ray-tracing for them on release. Through a separate video, they even confirmed a separate benchmark to show off and test the ray-tracing effects that they will implement in these various space battle situations.

 Boundary itself is planned to be released in 2020 as well, still without a definite release date, with PC as the release platform that has been confirmed so far. How about you? Interested in this project?

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